Monday, June 25, 2012

Bye, Bye Tonsils

Since my kids have always been ridiculousy healthy, I never really considered that one of them would ever need an ENT.  This would be the 25,097th time I have miscalculated my judement as a parent.  I can count on one hand the number of ear infections we've endured between the THREE of them.  None of them have ever even had a positive strep test by some miracle from Heaven.  Why would we need an ENT???  Because Charlie started waking up in the middle of the night screaming.

We went through the process of waking him up an hour after he went to sleep in order to help with night terrors.  Then we started the process of treating him for acid reflux.  Then, we continued the process of treating him for acid reflux.  Next, we became frustrated with the reflux treatments and the brush off from the pediatrician, so we simpy found a new pediatrician.  After that things moved along rather quickly.  Our new pediatrician, Dr. William (Brad) Painter at Palmetto Pediatrics (I heart this man) took one look in the little man's throat and sent us to an ENT.  Seems his tonsils are just naturally GINORMOUS.

I was hesitant about this ENT, Dr. Macy Vidrine at SC ENT, because none of my mom friends had heard of him.  That started the google stalking so that I could learn everything there is possibly know about this man, right down to whether he wears boxers or briefs.  After a few hours on the internet and a few phone calls to nurse friends I decided this guy was at least worth our time for a consult.  Best.  Decision.  Ever.  Turns out the office isn't huge and we didn't have to wait months for an appointment.  The wait time was minimal (less than 15 minutes) and I could go online and print off all new patient forms to have them ready to go when I arrived.  I have honestly never been able to figure out how Dr.'s offices expect you to fill out novels of paperwork while simultaneously sifting through your wallet for insurance cards, tinkering with your cell to find your cousin's, brother's, ex-wife's contact number, and balancing a sick, whiney child on your lap, who, as soon as you begin filling everything out WILL have to go to the bathroom. 

The staff was all very polite, nice and helpful.  Dr. Vidrine himself was not the kind to walk in and tell me that Jr. is the cutest wutest wittle buoy in the whole big wide world and hold my hand to reassure me that it's all going to be OK, but he did offer a smile, was very direct and to the point, and didn't treat me like a moron when I asked stupid, redundant questions.  And my three year old son liked him.  That's all I need in life. 

Long story short, the little man had his tonsils and adenoids taken out because he had suspected sleep apnea and he wasn't breathing as well as he should because of an obstructed airway.  SC ENT performs all of their surgeries at Richland Children's Hospital instead of an in-office outpatient facility, which made me feel much more confortable with the entire process.  Richland Children's Hospital does an amazing job which added to the fantastic experience of visiting, and having a procedure performed by SC ENT.  I highly recommend Dr. Macy Vidrine and the entire staff of SC ENT.


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